Monday, September 2, 2013

The Fleeting Days of Summer

"One must maintain a little bit of Summer, even in the Winter."
-Henry David Thoreau 

When I was a little girl, I was convinced that Summer was the shortest Season and the Winter the longest. The long Winter months seemed to drag on endlessly and the swift Summer months to be vaporous. As I've grown older, I've learned to appreciate Winter by its own right yet Summer has still maintained a kind of magical quality in the heart of my own imagination. This year, my Summer (Summer holiday, at least) has been extended due to my September departure to the UK. I have relished my extra time to witness the joys of late Summer days in CO. I am sad to see these days slip away but I welcome the crisp Autumn days that are upon us. 

11 Ways I am Savoring these Last Days of Summer:
  • Long early morning runs and bike rides
  • Reading into the night on the back porch
  • Picking and preparing Summer squashes and tomatoes from the garden
  • Having my fill of juicy watermelon
  • Walking barefoot through the soft green grass
  • Bending down to observe a spider spinning his web
  • Falling asleep with my window cracked open and the soft hum of the fan
  • Sipping iced tea in the afternoon
  • Sending off letters of correspondence 
  • Wearing all the flowing Summer skirts I can before the chill sets in
  • Pulling out my camera to capture the beauty of these late Summer days